
Carmignac P. Credit: Letter from the Fund Managers

  • -0.72%
    Carmignac P. Credit’s performance

    in the 3rd quarter of 2022 for the A EUR Share class

  • -2.55%
    Reference indicator’s performance

    in the 3rd quarter of 2022 for the 75% ICE BofA Euro Corporate Index et 25% ICE BofA Euro High Yield Index

  • +1.84%
    Outperformance of the Fund on the quarter

    versus the reference indicator

Carmignac Portfolio Credit was down (15.39)% year-to-date at the end of September versus (15.14)% for its reference indicator1, underperforming by (0.25)%. Although the relative performance of the fund since the beginning of the year is still impacted by the mark-to-market losses on the Russian bonds we were holding before the start of the Ukraine invasion, the past quarter has seen the fund down (0.72)% versus (2.55)% for the reference indicator1, for an outperformance of +1.84%.

How is the fund positioned?

The fund’s positioning was instrumental to the outperformance in Q3. We once again took advantage of the compelling yields on offer in global credit markets, picking bonds from issuers that are well insulated against the shocks rippling through the economy. We maintained our focus on the natural resources and energy sector, which accounts for over 25% of our portfolio. We also kept our large exposure to CLO tranches offering very attractive spreads along with limited fundamental risk, and we maintained our floating-rate structure that protects the portfolio against rising interest rates. We reduced our hedges on high-yield indices during the quarter, since these indices widened to the point where they’re starting to discount extremely severe recession scenarios. We’ve also kept a significant hedging position in order to preserve optionality in volatile markets.

Although our Russian book is still trading far below its fundamental value, it recovered somewhat in the third quarter. The mark-to-market loss on these holdings fell from (3.27)% to (2.24)%. As we wrote in previous quarterly reports, our strategy is to protect our investors’ interests and wait until these bonds’ prices converge towards a conservative assessment of their underlying fundamental value. During the quarter, a large Russian oil producer, whose bonds we owned, tendered its entire bond stack at a price of more than 70 cents on the dollar – up substantially from the 40 cents on the dollar the bonds traded at in the aftermath of the invasion. We decided to sold our bonds during the tender. While the tender price was relatively cheap given the issuer’s credit quality, it was much closer to a fair price for the underlying risk. We reinvested the tender proceeds in attractive opportunities elsewhere with similar risk-return profiles. We’ll manage the rest of our Russian holdings in a similar manner going forward.

The Bond Market Today

Looking at the bigger picture, we believe credit markets now offer outstanding value. Fixed income is by far the asset class that’s been the most affected by central banks’ aggressive tightening moves. Corporate bonds in particular have experienced a bear market the likes of which haven’t been seen in decades. The steep decline in our reference indicator this year wiped out more than seven years of a cumulative positive return (the indicator’s return since August 2017, when we launched Carmignac Portfolio Credit, is well into negative territory, while our fund is up by over 20% thanks to our cumulative outperformance). We’ll probably see more volatility in the coming months, yet conditions for further outperformance by our fund have rarely been as promising as they are today, based on the two-year minimum investment horizon that we recommend. Today’s credit markets generally offer yields far in excess of the potential cost of future defaults, even if you factor in a sharp increase in default rates in the coming years.

What is our outlook for the coming months?

As we mentioned above, our fund is positioned on companies and debt instruments that are well suited to the current economic climate. Our fund’s carry was well above 9% at end-September, and this doesn’t include the effects of convexity, which we estimate will lift our return by a few more percentage points. In addition, we believe the average credit quality of our portfolio is excellent. This elevated carry should help us mitigate market volatility in the near term and set the stage for a once-in-a-generation recovery later on, as the flipside to this unprecedented bear market.

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Carmignac Portfolio Credit A EUR Acc

ISIN: LU1623762843

Empfohlene Mindestanlagedauer

Geringstes Risiko Höchstes Risiko

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hauptrisiken des Fonds

KREDITRISIKO: Das Kreditrisiko besteht in der Gefahr, dass der Emittent seinen Verpflichtungen nicht nachkommt.

ZINSRISIKO: Das Zinsrisiko führt bei einer Veränderung der Zinssätze zu einem Rückgang des Nettoinventarwerts.

KAPITALVERLUSTRISIKO: Das Portfolio besitzt weder eine Garantie noch einen Schutz des investierten Kapitals. Der Kapitalverlust tritt ein, wenn ein Anteil zu einem Preis verkauft wird, der unter seinem Kaufpreis liegt.

WÄHRUNGSRISIKO: Das Währungsrisiko ist mit dem Engagement in einer Währung verbunden, die nicht die Bewertungswährung des Fonds ist.

Der Fonds ist mit einem Kapitalverlustrisiko verbunden.

Carmignac Portfolio Credit A EUR Acc

ISIN: LU1623762843
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (YTD)
Year to date
Carmignac Portfolio Credit A EUR Acc - - - +1.79 % +1.69 % +20.93 % +10.39 % +2.96 % -13.01 % +10.58 % +4.06 %
Referenzindikator - - - +1.13 % -1.74 % +7.50 % +2.80 % +0.06 % -13.31 % +9.00 % +0.50 %

Srollen Sie nach rechts, um die ganze Tabelle zu sehen

3 Jahre 5 Jahre 10 Jahre
Carmignac Portfolio Credit A EUR Acc +0.26 % +3.86 % -
Referenzindikator -1.67 % +0.17 % -

Srollen Sie nach rechts, um die ganze Tabelle zu sehen

Quelle: Carmignac am 31/05/2024

Einstiegskosten : 2,00% des Betrags, den Sie beim Einstieg in diese Anlage zahlen. Dies ist der Höchstbetrag, der Ihnen berechnet wird. Carmignac Gestion erhebt keine Eintrittsgebühr. Die Person, die Ihnen das Produkt verkauft, teilt Ihnen die tatsächliche Gebühr mit.
Ausstiegskosten : Wir berechnen keine Ausstiegsgebühr für dieses Produkt.
Verwaltungsgebühren und sonstige Verwaltungs- oder Betriebskosten : 1,20% des Werts Ihrer Anlage pro Jahr. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Schätzung auf der Grundlage der tatsächlichen Kosten des letzten Jahres.
Erfolgsgebühren : 20,00% wenn die Anteilsklasse während des Performancezeitraums den Referenzindikator übertrifft. Sie ist auch dann zahlbar, wenn die Anteilsklasse den Referenzindikator übertroffen, aber eine negative Performance verzeichnet hat. Minderleistung wird für 5 Jahre zurückgefordert. Der tatsächliche Betrag hängt davon ab, wie gut sich Ihre Investition entwickelt. Die obige aggregierte Kostenschätzung enthält den Durchschnitt der letzten 5 Jahre oder seit der Produkterstellung, wenn es weniger als 5 Jahre sind.
Transaktionskosten : 0,43% des Werts Ihrer Anlage pro Jahr. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Schätzung der Kosten, die anfallen, wenn wir die Basiswerte für das Produkt kaufen oder verkaufen. Der tatsächliche Betrag hängt davon ab, wie viel wir kaufen und verkaufen.